
【博学讲坛】Note-taking in Remote Consecutive Interpreting: A Cognitive Research Drawing on Eye-tracking and Pen-tracking Data







郑冰寒,英国杜伦大学现代语言与文化学院终身教授(Chair/Professor),翻译学与语言学博士生导师,跨文化研究中心主任。英国皇家语言学家学会荣誉会士(HonFCIL),英国研究与创新署会员,剑桥大学丘吉尔学院院士;兼任南开大学、大连理工大学等十余所知名大学特聘或客座教授。研究方向包括口笔译认知过程研究、翻译与认知神经科学等。在劳特里奇出版社、剑桥大学出版社、外研社等出版著作及编著五部,在国际国内学术期刊TargetTranslation Studies, Brain & CognitionJournal of PragmaticsPerspectivesThe Interpreter & Translator TrainerAcross Languages & CulturesTranslation & Interpreting StudiesFrontiers in Psychology《外语教学与研究》等发表论文十余篇。主持国社科项目《翻译压力类型与翻译认知心理研究》;受邀担任国际译学期刊Translation StudiesTranslation & Interpreting Studies特刊主编;《外语教学与研究》翻译过程专栏主持人。现任Perspectives, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Translation Studies, Translation Quarterly,《外国语文》等期刊编委。


In this talk, the speaker will introduce two papers which investigate the interaction among source speech difficulty, interpreters’ work experience and their note-taking behaviours in remote consecutive interpreting (CI). 20 professional interpreters and 29 student interpreters completed a CI task containing two easy segments and two hard segments from English (L2) to Chinese (L1), with their eye and pen movements being registered by a Tobii eye-tracker and a Wacom digital pen. The results and findings of the first section demonstrate the effort and effect of note-taking in CI under different conditions; and the second section report the correlations of interpreting performance with note-taking process, note-taking product and note-reading process.These findings suggest that note-taking should be taught more judiciously in interpreter training programmes and applied more prudently in interpreting practice.